Monthly archives "October 2013"

Stages of teeth implantation

Stages of teeth implantation


The first phase – is planning of dental implantation. This step consists of examination of advanced patient’s health status and its correction. In this case it demands thorough examination of the oral cavity of the patient to find his anatomical features, and then radiographic examination is held. Much attention is paid to a health survey of other systems and organs. This is justified because the basis of implantation is the surgical stage of treatment. Diagnose the general condition of the body, blood tests, if necessary describes additional radiographic examination, early treatment. Treatment may affect not only the mouth, but the whole body. Only then classical planning stages of tooth implantation is performed.

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What the tooth implant is?



Modern dental implants based on the achievements of many scientists of different countries. Great honor in this sphere belongs to the scientist Branemark. His works of screw implants were great support for the future upgrades. Further development of the Implantology promises to bring a lot of useful discoveries, however, up to date dental implants correspond the functional and aesthetic requirements.

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Care of dental kappas

Care of dental kappas


Open winning smile means beautiful white teeth. Such a smile is not only wonderfully decorated the person, it also helps to achieve success in personal life and career. In order to save snow-whiteness of the teeth, of course, you need to consult specialists. Modern dentists know a great variety of methods of imparting whiteness of your tooth enamel.

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Shapes of teeth implants

Shapes of teeth implants


Nowadays the form of dental implants which are used by modern dentists-orthopedics is selected according to the type of tooth being replaced with prosthesis. Major role is given to the length of the artificial roots that have to become as a natural bond with the jaw tissue of a patient, as it is often necessary to penetrate the deepest layers of the jawbone.

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Manual for users of removable denture

Manual for users of removable denture

Getting used to the removable prosthesis is difficult, and lasts about a month.
Initially, dentures can cause nausea, excessive salivation, blurred speech, loss of taste; also you will have problems with the eating and chewing different food. After a person gets used to the prosthesis, all these problems disappear.

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The loss of tooth is not a problem

The loss of tooth is not a problem


Almost every dental clinic set for dental implants affordable prices that give everyone the opportunity to use this service. To prevent the displacement of other teeth, removing even one tooth dentists recommend that all patients in the shortest time should use prosthetics. A few years ago, tooth loss was a big problem, and highly relevant, that at the moment the situation is different.
In such cases, many dentists recommend the use of implants.

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One stage dental implantation

One stage dental implantation


Many people confuse the need of visiting the clinic on a regular basis, passing inspections and mass medication for a long time only in order to improve their appearance and eliminate very unpleasant, but not fatal problems in the body. Today, dentists are well aware that not everyone has the desire to spend half a year on a beautiful smile, and therefore offer a variety of solutions to accelerate the process of implantation.

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